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Endodontics     21 August 2024

Bioceramics in Endodontics

Bioceramics are materials which include Alumina, Zirconia, Bioactive glass, Glass ceramics, Hydroxyapatite, resorbable Calcium phosphates, among others.

Instrument fracture in the root canal system is an unpleasant incident that may occur during root canal treatment.

The aim of this case report is to present the successful endodontic management of an abnormally long right maxillary canine diagnosed with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis, highlighting the...

Advances in dental materials as well as in computer technology have made CAD/CAM-fabricated restorations not just possible in dentistry but plentiful.

CU Dental’s Save A Tooth program offers root canal treatment for the price of an extraction.

Dental treatment from unlicensed individuals has potential to cause dental damage

Root canal instrumentation is performed using endodontic instruments, aided by irrigation systems, in aseptic working conditions. Canal instrumentation can be performed using manual or motorized...

When due to periapical pathologies there is a need to provide root canal retreatment in teeth treated endodontically and reconstructed with a post, the first step is the removal of the post in order...

Direct pulp capping is a treatment for pulpal carious exposures that is taught regularly in dental schools but is not applied as assiduously by dentists because, according to several past studies, it...

Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) result from the loss of tooth structure at the level of the cementum-cementum junction caused by various wear processes unrelated to dental caries. Their...

When in 1993 a Professor like Mahmoud Torabinejad brought to everyone's attention a cement with miraculous properties for sealing the endodontium, endodontics changed direction. 

Literature studies report that the blood vessels in different organs or even in different tissues are not all the same but are heterogeneous, classifiable into various subtypes 

Various strategies have been proposed over time to manage defective teeth in challenging situations like deep subgingival defects. Among the different techniques, cervical marginal relocation,...

Internal root resorption originates from an inflammatory reaction, initiated by damage to the odontoblast layer and non-mineralized predentin, which results in exposure of mineralized dentin to the...

Recent literature studies have shown that vital pulp treatments (VPT) can be effective both in deciduous teeth but also in mature permanent teeth with irreversible pulpitis (Lin et al., 2020). One...

Successful endodontic treatment is achieved through correct shaping and disinfection of the root canal system, however anatomical variations of the canals, the angle of canal curvature, the radius of...

Infective endocarditis is an infection of the endocardium, usually of bacterial origin (frequently due to streptococci or staphylococci) and sometimes fungal. 

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