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Cancer resection is the most common cause of acquired palatal defects, whereas cleft palate is the main cause of congenital defects.

Prosthodontics involves replacing lost dentofacial structures using artificial substitutes. Due to availability of many materials and techniques, clinician's clinical decision-making regarding...

A customized treatment plan is important to reach results that will satisfy the patient providing esthetics, function, and long-term stability. 

The purpose of this article is to identify the types of complications that have been reported in conjunction with endosseous root form implants and associated implant prostheses. A Medline and an...

The management of tooth wear has been a subject of increasing interest from both preventive and restorative points of view. 

Interviews and/or clinical examinations by means of the California Dental Association quality evaluation system were carried out in a group of persons who had received extensive restorative...

Dentists have used rapid prototyping (RP) techniques in the fields of oral maxillofacial surgery simulation and implantology

Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technology has led to a massive increase in the production of zirconium crowns. 

Since the introduction of intra-oral scanners (IOSs), various scanning strategies have been proposed

Researchers from the CU School of Dental Medicine are developing novel precision biomaterials for 3D inkjet-printed dentures, set to launch in early 2024.

Resin composite materials are commonly used to perform direct restorations. Improvements in their mechanical and esthetic properties have characterized the last decade. Nevertheless, resin composite...

A comprehensive pulpal health assessment should be completed prior to the placement of new restorations, as several studies have shown that vital teeth have a 9% chance of becoming necrotic after...

Natural teeth can undergo structural compromissions as a result of caries, fractures and severe wear. 

Zirconia (ZrO2) is currently one of the most used and promising restorative materials in dentistry due to its excellent mechanical properties, good biocompatibility and satisfying aesthetic...

By Lorenzo Breschi and Carlo D’Alessandro

In recent years, the use of preheated resin composites as a luting agent for indirect restorations has gained significant attention as an alternative to resin cements. 

By Lorenzo Breschi and Annamaria Forte

In the presence of extensive carious lesion of primary teeth, or those that have undergone pulp therapy, full coverage restorations or crowns can be proposed as treatment options. 

By Arianna Bianchi

The extraction of a very damaged tooth and its replacement with an implant represents a common therapeutic choice. It is also necessary to underline how the survival rate of implants is lower than...

Bruxoff is a portable sleep bruxism assessment device that combines electromyography and heart rate assessment. In this study, authors investigated the reliability and validity of the device...

Recently, new methods have been proposed for making posts and abutments using digital technology. To date, few studies have investigated the accuracy of digitally fabricated pins by comparing them...

Researchers evaluated the restorative preferences for endodontically treated teeth of dentists and dental students. The study was published in October 2021 in The Journal of Prosthetic...

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