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29 August 2023

Elevate your home dental hygiene routine: Harper's Bazaar

By Ingrid Kesa

Brushing our teeth is not usually something we hold in the same reverence as doing a face mask or soaking in the bath, but with the right tools and attention to detail it can be just as pleasing. It’s time to reframe the way we think about dental hygiene and start valuing it for what it is, an integral component of our daily self-care practice.

Ingrid Kesa from Harper's Bazaar spoke with experts on how to ramp up your oral hygiene routine. 

“Maintaining a good at-home dental care routine is crucial for maintaining your oral health and overall wellbeing,” said Dr Shawn Rama of The Dental Room. 

He said that bad oral health can have serious implications, increasing the risk of various health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and respiratory infections.

“Thankfully, there’s a lot more awareness now between doctors and dentists about the link between oral and general health, and both professions are working closely together to make sure that we’re not just treating the symptoms, but the cause,” he said. 

Rama recommends visiting your dentist twice a year for thorough check-ups and cleaning and supporting this with an at-home routine of flossing and brushing each morning and night. 

How can we turn this mandate into an activity we enjoy? We may as well start by making it look good. Choosing to use beautiful products that spark joy (rather than dread) is a huge motivator in shifting oral hygiene from tiresome task to meditative moment. 

Kesa curated a selection of dental accoutrements that will look sophisticated in your bathroom cabinet and keep your pearly whites, well, pearly and white. 

Products that make the cut in this article include:

See the original story, view photos and more details on these products. 

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